Nicotine pouch

Revolutionize Nicotine Consumption with ZYC: OEM Pouch Production for Healthier Choices

Choose ZYC for OEM nicotine pouch production for a healthier alternative to traditional smoking.

Our discreet pouches provide a convenient way to enjoy nicotine without smoke's harmful effects.

With a steady release lasting up to 60 minutes, you can indulge in nicotine without interruptions at work or social events.

Partner with ZYC to tap into the growing market of health-conscious consumers. Our high-quality production, safety standards, and customizable options ensure your branded pouches meet the highest quality standards.

 Offer your customers a responsible way to satisfy their nicotine cravings with ZYC.

Join us in transforming the nicotine industry with a focus on health and convenience.

From Vision to Victory: Your Comprehensive Brand-Building Journey

Initial Consultation & Strategic Planning

Our journey starts with a detailed discussion. Present us your dream, and let's explore the realm of what's achievable. Whether you're at the conception stage or aiming to polish a pre-existing concept, our team is here to offer the strategic direction you need.

Brand Crafting & Custom Solutions

Embark on a journey of brand creation with a personalized touch. We aid you in forging a distinctive brand identity, from custom flavor profiles to unique packaging designs. Tailor every aspect of your product to ensure it stands out in the marketplace.

Manufacturing Excellence & Quality Control

Witness the realization of your brand under our skilled manufacturing process. We place utmost importance on the quality and consistency of every product, adhering to stringent quality control measures to surpass industry standards.

Launch Strategy & Operational Support

Prepare to unveil your brand to the world with our expert market analysis. Our comprehensive suite of services, including logistics management, packaging solutions, and distribution strategies, guarantees a seamless introduction to the market.

Enduring Partnership & Growth

Our collaboration extends beyond the initial launch. We remain committed to your brand's evolution, responding to changes in the market, fine-tuning our approach, and celebrating our shared achievements.

Different sizes of nicotine pouches oem


What is nicotine pouch

Nicotine pouches are small, white, tobacco-free bags,the nicotine pouches are placed orally between your gums and lip. these products provide the perfect solution to consumers who wish to continue to enjoy the pleasurable effects of nicotine without the negatives of tobacco use.

What Are the Benefits of Using Nicotine Pouches?

The most notable benefit of using these products is that you do not consume any tobacco. As a result, you can avoid its harmful effects, such as gum disease and tooth loss.

①.A way to quit or reduce intake

②.Hour-long satisfaction that keeps cravings at bay

③.Smoke-free and reduce the dangers of second-hand smoke

④.Tobacco-free,avoid most of the hazards of smoking

Do nicotine pouches contain tobacco?

No, our nicotine pouches are synthetic pharmaceutical grade nicotine

How to use the nicotine pouch?

Peel off the label on the side and open the lid

Place the pouch between your upper lip and teeth

Wait 1-2 minutes for nicotine release and use for about 40 minutes

Place the wasted pouch at the top layer